Comprehensive materials for an ever-expanding discipline

The far-reaching multimedia resources in ProQuest’s Social Science collections bring unrivaled breadth and depth to every corner of the social science spectrum. With applications across the curriculum, this content includes full-text newspapers, government documents, magazines, journals, video, ebooks, industry standard A&I databases and more. These collections cover such subjects as sociology, political science, anthropology, gender studies, religion, philosophy, criminology, library and information science, education and linguistics.

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数据库, 社会科学, 政治学
Acta Sanctorum

Acta Sanctorum


数据库, 学术, 社会科学, 宗教与哲学
APA Research Databases

APA Research Databases

访问著名的美国心理学协会 (APA) 的电子资源,涵盖心理学研究的全广度和深度。

数据库, 健康与医学, 健康与医学, 社会科学, 心理学
ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts

ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts


数据库, 健康与医学, 社会科学, 心理学
Diversity Collection

Diversity Collection

Diversity Collection brings together three full text databases to provide a global view of some of the biggest topics in diversity, equity, and inclusion

Databases, 跨学科的, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史, 社会科学, 社会学, 文化史, 性别研究, 原住民
Education Database

Education Database


数据库, 社区学院, 教育, 社会科学
IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences


数据库, 跨学科的, 社会科学
Insight Product Suite

Insight Product Suite

Discover original legislation, declassified files, legal records, reports and other original government documents

Primary Sources, 公共图书馆, 社区学院, 学术, K-12, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史, 社会科学, 政治学
LGBT Magazine Archive

LGBT Magazine Archive

LGBT 杂志档案馆追溯了 LGBT 历史和文化的各个方面的历史和演变,包括法律背景、健康、生活方式、政治、社会

数据库, 社会科学, 性别研究
Library Science Database

Library Science Database

图书馆科学数据库提供图书馆和信息科学领域 150 多份顶级出版物的访问权限。它专为提供全文苏波而设计

数据库, 社会科学