SIRS® Discoverer® is a multidisciplinary database specifically designed for upper elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas including history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology.

All newspaper, magazine, and reference book content is 100% full text, editorially-selected and indexed from over 2,200 reliable, high-quality global sources.

SIRS Discoverer features easy access to the most-used content and features, logical subject tree hierarchy, age-appropriate search and filter capabilities, as well as streamlined results and article pages to help young learners connect with and comprehend content. User-friendly advanced search features enable young learners, and the educators who support them, to find exactly what they need by limiting any search by source type and offering the ability to filter by Lexile range.

All content is integrated with Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and Google Classroom, and includes text-to-speech capability, a citation generator and citation export functions to seamlessly fit into educator and student workflows.

Use SIRS Discoverer to develop activities and lessons that support classroom teaching and help students learn:

  • Critical Thinking Skills: Students develop skills with 60 age-appropriate, editorially-maintained “Controversial Issues.” Popular topics include: School Uniforms, Homework, and Animal Experimentation.

  • Reading Fluency: 500+ visually appealing, downloadable nonfiction books to read on any device, from popular publishers such as Weekly Reader and Biography for Beginners, featuring beautiful page-image layout and content to engage young readers.

  • Research Skills: Learning basic research skills is fun for students exploring a collection of more than 300 animal facts. Information can be used to create a poster, tri-fold brochure, flip board, or pyramid display to showcase learning outcomes.

  • Biographies: ProQuest editors provide current, age-appropriate articles and images for the most studied women and men in world history and contemporary society. Features include a timeline of events in the person’s life, key facts, and links to more articles.

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Designed by EdTech Experts for Teaching, Learning and Research Success













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