Connecting Today to The Past Through Essential Government Sources

ProQuest Government Documents offers the largest archive of U.S. and U.K. government content for libraries with documents from today back to 1660, plus statistical reports from countries and international organizations worldwide. From legal researchers examining legislative intent to policy analysts tracking regulatory changes and scholars studying historical context, this resource transforms complex research through connected primary sources and intuitive discovery tools. While government websites frequently change or remove content, this solution maintains access to official documents.

Customer Resources

Essential Government Content

Content Coverage

Content Coverage

U.S. legislative, regulatory, and Supreme Court documents, U.K. Parliamentary papers, plus U.S. and international statistics

Discovery Tools

Discovery Tools

Topic pages, timelines, and workflow tools designed for both novice and advanced researchers

Research & Teaching Support

Research & Teaching Support

Primary source materials supporting law, political science, history, economics, international relations, and public policy research

Centuries of Authoritative Government Content

ProQuest Government Documents & Records


U.S. Government Documents


U.K. Government Documents and Records


Legislative, Regulatory and Supreme Court Case Histories

And more

Statistical Records


Topic Pages

ProQuest Government Documents

U.K. Government Collection

A rich archive of essential primary sources documenting Britain’s transformation from imperial power to modern democracy from 1660 to present. Through bills, reports, debates, and public petitions, these working documents reveal how Parliament shaped policy across three centuries of British governance.

U.S. Government Insight Collection

Combines three authoritative collections: Legislative Insight Collection, Regulatory Insight Collection, and Supreme Court Insight Collection. This invaluable academic resource enables researchers to analyze how U.S. law and policy develop through professionally researched histories showing the connections between Congressional lawmaking, agency implementation, and judicial interpretation.

ProQuest U.S. Congressional Collection

ProQuest’s complete U.S. Congressional collection, 1789-present, encompassing congressional hearings, Serial Set reports and documents, Congressional Record, bills and resolutions, committee prints, Congressional Research Service reports, presidential materials, and more, supported by powerful research tools on a unified platform. As our premier legislative research solution, this authoritative collection includes the complete ProQuest Congressional and Executive Base Collection as its foundation.

U.S. Executive Branch Policy Documents Collection

The collection combines Historic Executive Branch Documents (1789- 1952), Executive Branch Documents Great Series and Reports (1953-present), and the Trends and Policy Collection (1789-present). This content provides federal publications, statistics, and research tools that allow researchers to track policy development from the nation’s founding through today’s key issues and societal impacts over time.

Statistical Collection

Combines Statistical Insight Collection and Statistical Abstract of the United States, providing over 1.1M downloadable tables and 270K+ reports from U.S. federal agencies, international organizations, and research institutions. This academic resource delivers detailed data and reports on subjects such as population, economy, health, education, and technology.

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ProQuest News and Newspapers enhance all forms of research with access to premier titles with coverage spanning centuries. As a crucial resource for researchers across subjects, news often serves as the best or only source of information on a topic.

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