Preparing tomorrow’s leaders to address global issues from all angles
Sustainability is a quickly growing field at the intersection of social, environmental, and economic studies. As a practice, sustainability has massive but critical goals: to build prosperity and end poverty while also addressing societal needs and protecting the planet.
There’s an increasing demand from students and researchers at all levels for the latest sustainability content. But due to its interdisciplinary nature, this content has been difficult to curate – until now.
ProQuest’s new Sustainability Ebook Subscription addresses that need. The first comprehensive subscription focused on sustainability, it is expertly curated to help libraries embed key aspects of education for sustainable development into every degree program.
Mapped to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this new collection enables students and researchers to explore global issues from multiple avenues to prepare the next generation of leaders for the sustainability challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Key benefits include:
- 7,000 titles spanning all major subject areas and studies like Sustainable Development, Environmental Law and Politics, Business Sustainability Management and more
- Recent content – more than two-thirds of titles published in the last decade
- Unique material previously not available by subscription
- No overlap with other ebook subscriptions, including Academic Complete
- Designed to support university sustainability initiatives in a budget friendly way
Helps libraries support sustainability teaching, research and learning in classrooms and beyond

Unique Curated Content
Includes unique material previously not available by subscription from well-known publishes and award-winning titles from Choice and RCL.

Affordably Priced
This budget-friendly subscription provides powerful analytic tools delivered on the Ebook Central platform, including DRM-free chapter downloads and other features that improve research outcomes.

Built for Interdisciplinary Research
Available on Ebook Central, an award-winning ebook platform built for research which gives patrons seamless and immediate access to the ebooks they need, with useful research tools, offline reading and a mobile-friendly interface.
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