The Consumer Health Database offers international coverage dating back to 1988 of an enormous range of public health subjects, including pandemics, disaster preparedness, and obesity. Particularly of interest to public library users, the public health topics covered in the collection range from sports injuries to women’s health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry. Provided by over 190 publishers, over 350 full-text magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and trade publications and over 300 health video clips from INTELECOM are included in the collection. Key titles include American Family Physician, Psychiatric Times, Psychology Today, Family Relations, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Men’s Health, Women’s Health Weekly, and Pediatrics for Parents.
As content is only valuable if it is discoverable, the collection is presented on the ProQuest platform and its over 350 titles are discoverable through The Summon® Service from ProQuest, OCLC WorldCat, Ex Libris Primo Central, PubMed, and Google Scholar (when enabled). Plus, through the ebooks tab on the ProQuest results page, researchers can cross search their organization's ProQuest ebook holdings (when available) alongside their ProQuest platform database content.
In addition, researchers benefit from robust information management and workflow tools and functionality integrated into the platform that make this content appropriate for non-expert and non-English speaking researchers as well as subject matter experts. These user-friendly features include the ability to cite results in numerous citation styles, save as a PDF or other document formats, save searches, and export documents to reference management tools like RefWorks as well as a Health Sciences RSS feed to provide updates on full-text content.
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