The NCJRS: National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database is published by the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice's National Criminal Justice Reference Service, an information clearinghouse for people around the U.S. and the world involved with research, policy, and practice related to criminal and juvenile justice, and drug control. The NCJRS Abstracts Database contains summaries of over 203,000 U.S. and international publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, audiovisual presentations, and unpublished research. The NCJRS Abstracts Database excludes most legal decisions, opinions, and statutes. The collection has been developed to meet the needs of criminal justice professionals, researchers, policymakers, and technical and legal experts. Unique elements of the collection include agency produced documents and final grant reports of Office of Justice Programs sponsored research. Documents are either written in English or have an English-language summary.
Subject Coverage
Major areas of coverage include:
- Alternatives to Incarceration
- Community Involvement
- Correctional Facility Design
- Corrections
- Corrections Technology
- Crime Mapping
- Court Management
- Courts
- Crime Deterrence and Prevention
- Criminal Justice Statistics
- Criminology
- Defense Technology
- Domestic Preparedness
- Drug Policy
- Forensic Technology
- Human Resource Development
- Juvenile Justice
- Law Enforcement
- Police Training
- Probation and Parole
- Program Evaluation, Policy and Planning
- Restorative Justice
- Substance Abuse
- Terrorism/Counter Terrorism
- Victims of Crime
Update Frequency
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