eLibrary® helps simplify the research process and empowers novice researchers to more easily and efficiently choose their research topic and find authoritative information to support their research claim. It delivers one of the largest collections of periodical and digital media content editorially selected to support novice researchers. Presented on the award-winning ProQuest platform, eLibrary offers two methods of access: a custom Guided Research application, and as part of the unified platform, assuring fit-for-purpose use. The responsively-designed user interface offers access on any device at any time. and, users can cross-search eLibrary with other ProQuest databases, improving your library’s return-on-investment.
More than 11,000 editor-created Research Topics pages deliver the essential elements on a vast array of people, places, historical events and eras, literary genres, current events, broad curricular themes and much more. Editor’s Picks and Trending Topics make it easier to explore appropriate subject matter and get started. Researchers can access primary and scholarly sources, and all content is in 100% full text. 1,700+ magazines, newspapers, transcripts and digitized reference book content, more than seven million images, maps, websites, videos and interactive simulations, all expertly curated by ProQuest editors.
A Vantagem ProQuest
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Informações vetadas editorialmente construídas em torno de currículos centrais e alinhadas com atribuições em sala de aula

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Fluxos de trabalho que orientam usuários iniciantes
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Moderno, Intuitivo, Responsivo e Acessível
Os usuários on-the-go de hoje podem acessar informações em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora – mesmo offline
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