Consumer magazines in the fields of news, policy, and politics serve as powerful primary sources through which to interpret countless aspects of 20th-century history and politics, relating to – for example – public policy, international relations, human rights, and much more.
By offering the full runs of 20th-century titles of this type, in full-color, page-image format, News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive makes newly available and accessible these key sources, for which the archival print issues have not consistently been retained by libraries. The availability of this material enables researchers to explore multiple perspectives on the key events of the age and opens up countless new opportunities for research, across multiple disciplines.
With each of these titles having a substantial back file, and most being published monthly or weekly, there is a large volume of historical content here disclosing changing political and social trends over the course of a century. As well as catering directly to research interests in modern history, politics, law, and economics, this collection will also serve additional areas such as women’s studies (women in politics), ethnic studies (international development, diplomacy, sustainability), media history (communications, journalism), and many others.
Rarity of source material means that there will be some gaps in the collection.
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