Global Breaking Newswires is an aggregated full-text news database with very timely access to the best newswire content available globally. Updated three times per day, it is a continually-growing archive of news content that may not be captured via traditional print sources or online sources.
The ability to provide rich and authoritative news content that includes non-English language, non-traditional content sources has become vital in a digital news market where physical borders do not exist and traditional print sources cannot keep up. Global Breaking Newswires helps researchers see how news stories unfold across various news sources, an integral part of understanding the full story as newswires are often the only reliable news sources in several regions throughout the world.
This database includes the top newswire services from around the world, including the AP, Dow Jones Industrial News, dpa, AFP, Canadian Press, and others—making it a great complement to any of the ProQuest Newsstream products. The wires are available in various languages including Arabic, French, Italian, and German.
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