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Committee Selection
Learn techniques and strategies to help you select a dissertation committee.
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Defending Your Dissertation or Thesis
Breaking down the components of solid dissertation defense; the preparation, the defense, and the follow-up.
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How to Get it Done
Tips for staying focused and organized while writing your dissertation
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How to Pick a Thesis Topic? The Conceptual Conversation
Sonja Foss and William Waters, authors of "Destination Dissertation: A Traveler's Guide to a Done Dissertation," share best practices for selecting a thesis topic.
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Submitting Your Dissertation
The process of having your dissertation reviewed and approved.
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The Advising Relationship
Help your advisor be the best advisor for you; someone who will allow you to complete your dissertation and flourish as a professional.
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Virtual Dissertations Bootcamp
Resources that can be used by graduate schools to implement and manage student needs and strategies
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Writing Your Dissertation or Thesis
Examine two key strategies for writing a dissertation or thesis more effectively: fast writing and slow revising.
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