Flexible Models for Every Library

Faculty and students are using a variety of resources in research, teaching and learning – including primary sources, books, dissertations and more. Faculty overwhelmingly see value in students using a wide variety of resource types in their studies, such as government documents, archival collections, periodicals, newspapers, data, books, video and more, and not only say it aids in understanding of a subject, but it contributes to better quality assignments and grades. But most importantly, they believe primary sources help students develop critical thinking and other key skills.

ProQuest can help every library – regardless of size or budget – build primary source collections that have both scope and affordability. Our collections are second-to-none – in size, years of coverage, subjects and resource types – and our buying models offer extraordinary flexibility and value.

Learn how other libraries are using the Access & Builds Models

Access & Build helps institutions build and fine-tune their primary-source collections to precisely match their curriculum needs. With Access & Build, researchers can spend time on analysis and exploration, not on gathering materials.

Solutions for libraries

Evidence-based purchasing

Evidence-based purchasing

ProQuest’s unique Access and Build program gives libraries flexibility to balance multidisciplinary primary source access and ownership based on the specific needs and usage of your library users, empowering better purchasing decisions and ROI.

Explore Access and Build
Grow or complete collections while saving valuable space, and better serving users

Grow or complete collections while saving valuable space, and better serving users

Our experts can evaluate your collections to reduce gaps and overlaps, convert physical sources to “e” and help you build a customized program to strategically grow your primary source collection over time to support library goals and initiatives.

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Support diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives

Support diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives

Ensure collections reflect a variety of voices, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, physical ability, age, and political or religious beliefs. ProQuest provides authentic collections to support research and learning in areas such as the Black freedom struggle, women’s suffrage and liberation, Native American studies and many others.

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Collections for Every Library


Collections for Every Library

ProQuest primary sources are second to none.

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Options for every library

Access & Build

Access & Build

Access to 385 Collections with evidenced-Based ownership

Select Access & Build

Select Access & Build

Customize your selection of collections for broad access to fill gaps, then choose the collections you want to own

Collection Builder

Collection Builder

Perpetual Access Ownership to fill “gaps” in Collections

Access Foundation

Access Foundation

Provide access to over 200 highly used Primary Source databases that cover key subject disciplines and themes in the humanities, history and social sciences
