Uncover the histories, cultures and experiences of indigenous peoples

Students and scholars increasingly seek insights and information about Indigenous peoples – but resources that reflect authentic voices can be hard to find. ProQuest provides multi-disciplinary, multi-format content – including video, primary sources, scholarly journals, books and more – developed by, for and in partnership with Indigenous peoples. Librarians and scholars can feel confident about the resources they are relying upon to study the histories, cultures and experiences of local populations. Spanning such subject areas as colonization, the arts, geography, public health and more, these materials can be used in any classroom to decolonize course content or used in specialty courses on Indigenous studies.

What's New

Indigenous Studies - Curriculum Examples

Indigenous Studies - Curriculum Examples

Create ethical ebook collections that are built in alignment with Indigenous studies experts and librarians using Curated Topics title lists, including the Indigenizing the Curriculum LibList curated by Yanti Ropeyarn, Senior Specialist, Indigenous Initiatives, University of Technology Sydney.

See Examples
Indian Claims Insight

Indian Claims Insight

Explore stories, events and cultures across continents in videos created by, for and in partnership with Indigenous peoples. Streamed on a platform designed for the classroom.

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Alexander Street Indigenous Peoples Collections

Alexander Street Indigenous Peoples Collections

Explore the histories, cultures and issues facing native populations.

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Indigenous Peoples Collections

Colección música y artes escénicas

Colección música y artes escénicas

Bases, Historia y cambio social, Las artes, música, Pueblos indígenas
Country Life Archive

Country Life Archive

Bases, Historia del Reino Unido, Historia y cambio social, Pueblos indígenas
Diversity Collection

Diversity Collection

Databases, ciencias sociales, Estudios de género, Historia cultural, Historia de EE.UU., Historia y cambio social, interdisciplinario, Pueblos indígenas, sociología
Ethnic NewsWatch: Una historia

Ethnic NewsWatch: Una historia

Bases, ciencias sociales, Historia de EE.UU., Historia y cambio social, interdisciplinario, Pueblos indígenas, Religión y Filosofía
Ethnic Newswatch™

Ethnic Newswatch™

Bases, ciencias sociales, Historia de EE.UU., Historia y cambio social, interdisciplinario, Pueblos indígenas, Religión y Filosofía
Indian Claims Insight

Indian Claims Insight

Bases, Historia y cambio social, Pueblos indígenas
Music Periodicals Database

Music Periodicals Database

Bases, Historia y cambio social, Las artes, música, Pueblos indígenas
PRISMA® Database

PRISMA® Database

Bases, ciencias sociales, Historia y cambio social, interdisciplinario, Pueblos indígenas