Uncover the Undiscovered

The ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global (PQDT) ™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and nearly 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities.

Within dissertations and theses is a wealth of scholarship, yet it is often overlooked because most go unpublished. Uncover new ideas and innovations with more confidence and efficiency. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global delivers a focused path for researchers by tapping into a global network of connected research.

Dissertation references can be a treasure trove for obscure topics, here students discover shorter works like articles.

Scott Dennis, Librarian Core Electronic Resources, University of Michigan

Connecting Global Scholarship

100 países

100 países

ProQuest Dissertations &Tesis &Tesis Global es utilizado en 100 países por más de 4 millones de investigadores en más de 3.100 instituciones de todo el mundo.

Más de 5 millones de obras

Más de 5 millones de obras

Únase a las principales instituciones de investigación de todo el mundo añadiendo sus obras al índice unificado más grande del mundo.

Más de 200.000 al año

Más de 200.000 al año

La base de datos aumenta su tamaño en más de 200.000 obras cada año y es designada como el repositorio oficial de disertación por la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Difusión desde 1939

Difusión desde 1939

La difusión de trabajos de posgrado desde 1939, y es el mayor repositorio editorialmente curado de disertaciones y tesis.

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Short Description

ProQuest’s vast collection of >5.5million post graduate dissertations and theses now discoverable on Web of Science

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global with the Web of Science™ enables researchers to seamlessly uncover early career, post-graduate research in the form of more than 5.5 million dissertations and theses from over 4,100 institutions from more than 60 countries, alongside journal articles, conference proceedings, research data, books, preprints and patents.

The integration and introduction of the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index, eliminates the need for researchers to search multiple databases, allowing them to streamline their workflow and focus more on their academic success and research advancements.

To further enhance accessibility, direct full text linking from the Web of Science to the ProQuest platform is available for joint subscribers of the Web of Science and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Learn How to Navigate ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index on the Web of Science

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global home page

DISCOVER unique scholarship

  • Provides credible research on unique, niche, and trending topics, often not published elsewhere
  • Provides access to global and diverse perspectives, helping to close diversity gaps in mainstream publishing channels
  • Removes friction and obstacles from the research process by making full text available in one location
  • Retrieves equitable search results, which places equal value on quality scholarship no matter where it is from

UNCOVER the value of dissertations

  • Introduces users to new source types
  • Reaches more students, helps more users in a virtual environment
  • Addresses user needs immediately when they need it
  • Nurtures career aspirations in academia
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global home page

FOCUS your research path

Citation Connections are the next step in the evolution of the ProQuest Platform, moving the recommender functionality beyond standard keyword lists towards technology that leverages citation data, bibliometrics, and knowledge graph technology. Focus your research path by finding the most relevant and influential works faster.

  • Supports researchers to become more efficient and effective.
  • Leads researchers of all levels quickly to the most relevant, credible sources.
  • Provides a focused path to building comprehensive foundational knowledge in any research area.
  • Integrates with other library resources, enhances the value of other ProQuest subscriptions by providing insights into how the research is connected.
Success Story
Avances de los estudios STEM con una fuente crítica de investigación primaria

Avances de los estudios STEM con una fuente crítica de investigación primaria

La autora, tecnóloga y estudiante de doctorado Ida Joiner comparte su historia sobre el aprovechamiento de las disertaciones para interactuar con las tendencias actuales, citar una base integral y construir hacia sus propios objetivos de investigación.

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Evitar el sesgo comenzando en la fuente

Evitar el sesgo comenzando en la fuente

Dr. Terri D. Pigott, Ph.D., de la Escuela de Salud Pública de la Facultad de Educación de Georgia Universidad Estatal, sobre evitar sesgos comenzando en la fuente.

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Avoiding Bias by Starting at the Source

Professor Terri Pigott Ph.D. discusses the expectations she presents to her students on meta-analysis and unbiased research requirements and how the use of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global helps to ensure that comprehensive data sets are included in new research outputs.

Using Dissertations as a Primary Source

Student researcher and published author Ida Joiner discusses how she uses ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global as a core resource that helps her to build towards her own research goals.

Success Story
Mapeo de tendencias de investigación con PQDT

Mapeo de tendencias de investigación con PQDT

La Universidad de Carolina del Norte se somete a un proyecto para identificar los sujetos geográficos para identificar si hay un sesgo estadounidense.

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The Erasure of Drag Contribution in Performance History

The Erasure of Drag Contribution in Performance History

Dr. Lady J, Ph.D., documents the historical impact, influence, contributions that drag performers have made to politics, music, film, fashion, and popular culture in her dissertation. Her goal is to document and make this history available for broad educational outreach.

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Text and Data Mining Projects

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is one of the most requested data-sets for text and data mining because of its broad historic to present-day coverage and deep and comprehensive data results found in the full-text records. TDM Studio can be used alongside PQDT to easily and efficiently extract data and analyze it. See the list below for articles and projects published by scholars who used ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global data:

hands typing on a laptop, purple icons  and gradient overlay
Success Story
Tendencias en la evolución de la investigación y la educación doctoral

Tendencias en la evolución de la investigación y la educación doctoral

Bruce A. Weinberg, Ph.D., Profesor de Economía y Asuntos Públicos de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio comparte cómo el texto y la minería de datos de ProQuest Dissertations & Tesis Global permite investigadores para entender los patrones de trayectoria profesional doctoral.

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Mejorar los resultados de los estudiantes graduados

Mejorar los resultados de los estudiantes graduados

Dr. Jearl (Ken) Helvey, Profesor Asistente de Educación – Programa de Doctorado en Texas Wesleyan University sobre cómo la incorporación de disertaciones en el plan de estudios mejoró el éxito de los estudiantes de doctorado en la Universidad Wesleyan de Texas.

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