The GQ Archive spans the full run of the US edition of GQ magazine, from the first issue in 1931 to the present (with new issues added on an ongoing basis).

Launched as a men’s fashion trade title (Apparel Arts), GQ subsequently became a consumer magazine before expanding its coverage to encompass wider men’s-interest and popular culture content, including celebrity interviews, health, arts/entertainment, politics, and sports.

The 90+ years of content from this leading publication will support research not only in men’s fashion and men’s studies, but also wider topics in, for example, 20th-century history and society, women’s history, and politics.


  • Coverage from the first issue (1931) to the present – nine decades of content
  • Article-level indexing
  • Cover-to-cover scanning with color page images and searchable text*

* Our policy is to include each issue from the first and to scan from cover to cover. Due to the rarity of some of the original print volumes, however, there may be some small gaps (issues or pages).

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