Turn Data in Action

Making research easily discoverable to a vast community of scholars amplifies its reach, increasing visibility for the institution and individual author. Now, when you include your theses and dissertations with ProQuest, you can measure your reach and turn data into action for your university.

The ETD Dashboard provides a visual summary of your institution’s ETD usage insights so you can measure and validate the success and impact of opening your research to the world as part of the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global collection.

* In two categories: Best Business Information or Data Delivery Solution and Best Big Data Reporting & Analytics Solution

Measure your Success

Muestre las fortalezas de investigación de su institución para apoyar la contratación y conceder esfuerzos de escritura.

Identifique, reconozca y promueva los títulos más populares, autores de ex alumnos y áreas temáticas de su institución.

Realice un seguimiento de los objetivos de rendimiento de su institución comparando las recuperaciones con los datos de otros en Carnegie Tiers, Times Higher Ed Top 200 o cree un grupo personalizado de sus compañeros.

The ETD Dashboard data provides insights on and visualizations of the impact of student research. I think it will be helpful to see how research, especially what is not yet published in articles or monographs, is being received by the scholarly world.

David Daleke, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Health Sciences at Indiana University

El nuevo panel de tesis y disertaciones ayuda a las universidades a crecer y mostrar la investigación

News Release

El nuevo panel de tesis y disertaciones ayuda a las universidades a crecer y mostrar la investigación

ProQuest ETD Dashboard ya está disponible para todos los contribuyentes globales de PQDT sin costo alguno

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See the power of ProQuest’s ETD Dashboard tool - it's completely free

Apply for Access

If you are already a ProQuest content partner and use ETD Administrator to submit dissertations and theses you can login and assign administrators within your institution to distribute access. If you are a content partner participating in ProQuest’s ARC Program (harvesting) or are unsure, click below.

Apply for Access

If you aren’t a current ProQuest content partner and are interested in including your dissertations and theses, you can learn more here.

I was pleased to see the data on historical retrieval trends – the usage increases we’ve seen since we began submitting full-text works has been surprising and informative. It will assist us in tracking our overall research reach.

Martin Wolf, Head of Open Research, University of Liverpool

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